- 相互{そうご}の責任{せきにん}と尊敬{そんけい}に立脚{りっきゃく}した
based on mutual responsibility and respect 意味
- "based on moral belief systems" 意味
- "based on moral principle" 意味
- "based on mutual consent" 意味
- "based on mutual esteem, their friendship became a lasting one" 意味
- "based on mutual respect" 意味
- "based on mutual trust" 意味
- "based on national interests" 意味
- "based on nationwide discussions" 意味
- "based on objective and fair rules" 意味
- "based on mutual esteem, their friendship became a lasting one" 意味
- "based on mutual respect" 意味
- "based on mutual trust" 意味
- "based on national interests" 意味